Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A little something

Danielle and I went back to Mt. Bonnell and took this shot on Sunday the 14th, aww aren't we so cute. Notice how we are wearing t-shirts; well the next day it dropped down into the 30's, not so nice.

This weird little bug was crawling on our Christmas lights the other day.

This was a photo I took after Danielle made some Guacamole. Avocado, Garlic and a little Lime.

This is the Diptych I made from the series of shots that I did. Scrapes on the left and tasty Guacamole on the right, yum.

My latest Oil painting, looks like crap in this picture. In real life it's pretty cool I used Coffee to make all the brown specs found in it.

Yeah not too much to write about but just wanted to post something for everyone that cares.

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