Here are some videos & photos from the last few months.
(I think you need to click the "play" button a bunch of times to get it to play. I've been trying to figure out how to fix that)
A few days before Christmas Josh & I found some music playing from the city when we were at Zilker Park sitting by the water.
Chrismas morning!! We never did make another one after the gifts like we said we would, sorry!
The beautiful view from
the Oasis on Lake Travis.
Windy Point.. extremely windy!
Day after Christmas.
Finally found water at Barton Creek!!
McKinney Park, Jan 10th(ish)
We took the van to Pep Boys and stopped in at
Pluckers for wings & beer.
Didn't know they'd be this HUGE!! 34oz
Jan 24 09
Another walk in a new part of Barton Creek.
A nice man offered to take our photo!
Jan 31
Josh getting his camera ready for action
Here we're sitting at the dried up Twin Falls.
Inside of rock.
Homemade cookies are a great walking snack!
Top of a mountain, Josh was pretty stoked.
Soooo beautiful!!
We found a cave and a small amount of water at Barton Creek.
This is a random video of one of the first times I drove alone in early December, going up this ramp used to be extremely frightening for me.. I think I have the hang of it by now ;)